Tom Heyes:
Junior Content Producer:
HAF Taster Day
This page showcases work I did for the HAF Taster Day (16th February 2024) held at Walsall Town Hall.
The event was an opportunity for providers who work with HAF to attend and provide free activities (including sports, sensory and a silent disco) to families attending.
I was tasked with photographing and filming the event - I used an iPhone to do this.
For individual shots I had a consent form for parents / carers to sign, with shots of the room I did not need a form.
I took shots of the whole room, individuals enjoying the event, providers, stalls and various other things that showcased the event.
I then put the best images onto social media (Facebook & Twitter) as posts, and also a video with the event's highlights, which i created on Canva.
Canva Video
I was tasked with creating a compilation video for showing highlights from the HAF Taster event, which would be shown on social media and also go to various people in the council to highlight the work of the Walsall HAF team.
I filmed the event taking shots of several things including people, stalls and shots of the hall. For shots of members of the public (including children), I had consent forms for them to sign. I would take throughout the event, so i had a wide range to choose from.
I then downloaded the pieces of footage, then created a blank Canva template. I then selected the best downloads and put them in a certain order (including entering the hall, and then showing the various things during the event, ending with a shot of the HAF team). I used a variety of transitions to make the video more eye-catching and attention grabbing.
I added royalty free music from a website ( with a track I thought sounded appropriate and suited the tone of the event. In addition, I added an official Walsall Council branded opening and closing slide to make it look more official and to go with the branding of the council.
I would eventually uploaded this video onto the 'Walsall Families in the Know' Facebook page, along with a few words to describe it, plus thanking everyone who was a part of the event.
As well as filming, I took several images of the event. Again for this I used an iPhone and used consent forms on individual members of the public (including children).
After taking the images, I downloaded these onto a computer and choose several of the best. From here I used document editor to crop or lighten them. I then put them on a post with some words describing the event (how many attended) and to say thank you. The bright images and photographs of the hall with the amount of people would helpfully show the hard work of the HAF and be beneficial to my team int he future.